Life Right Now

I recently watched a movie called “The Giver,” which was about characters in a dystopian future where all emotions and color had been eliminated from society. The movie begins in black and white because that’s literally all that the characters can see, thanks to a drug they take daily. I found that this movie served…

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About this Website

I resisted getting a vanity URL for the longest time. I was convinced that there wasn’t enough to say about myself to warrant a whole website. To be honest, I had already exhausted the whole “everything about me” thing back when our homepages served as profiles, and the World Wide Web was the only platform…

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Look Back at Engineer News

If I were to trace my interest in puppetry to one single moment, it might be around the time that Elijah and I recorded a couple of video skits with his Among Us plushies. “Engineer News,” as we ultimately called it, was also inspired a lot by “Villager News,” a series of YouTube videos that…

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In Remembrance of Josh

As I’ve been following the news about Trump possibly being indicted, I can’t help but miss being able to comment about it to my son, Josh. I don’t think either of us considered ourselves political, but we found amusement by following the stories about Trump when he was president. This is just one example of…

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Puppet Meister

. Lately, I’ve been thinking about using an Amazon gift card I got for Father’s Day to buy a full body, professional styled puppet. This idea came to me last week at the Zoo while we were looking through the gift shops. How did I go from zebras and giraffes to puppets, you might ask?…

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Father’s Day

Thinking of my dad, on Father’s Day. I still carry with me all of the helpful nuggets of wisdom he shared with me throughout my life, such as always bring a jacket (I keep at least three in my car), and that we make decisions, not mistakes. He would take my sister and I fishing,…

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One Year Later

In March 2019 when the original tumor was removed from Josh’s brain, I naively thought that he would be healthy again after a few weeks of recovery and some physical therapy. I thought that the brain tumor was just a bump on the road, and that we would continue on with life once it was…

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The Great Office Experiment

A few weeks ago, I moved my computer equipment to the vacant bedroom upstairs. I did this for many reasons. First, I felt like it would free up space in the master bedroom, allowing me to organize things a little and make it more of a living space. Second, I had worked inside the upstairs…

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